
Our Services

  • Development of software solutions from scratch and their integration with existing applications and systems

  • Customization of ready-made solutions from third-party suppliers for maximum adaptation to the customer's business processes

  • Modernization, refactoring, migration, and porting of legacy and legacy systems to new technological platforms

  • Installation and configuration of developed software, software from third parties, and upgraded software

  • Technological consulting

  • Conceptualization and prototyping

  • Provision of licensed software

About Services

BTB Betlab's main objective is to provide integration services, software development and professional consultancy for a "tailor-made" evolution of the company information system, developed according to the client's specific needs.

The development of software integrated with web applications and solutions allows companies to optimize all process flows both internally and externally increasing the quality of services.

BTB Betlab is able to translate client expectations into strategies, objectives and actions, sharing with clients a project management methodology, which starts with the identification of needs and resources (skills, tools, planning) required to define the team. It continues with an in-depth analysis of the issues, for which they design and develop, together with the clients, "the tailor-made solution" created ad hoc to satisfy 100% of the specific functionalities required.

Once the context analysis has been completed, BTB Betlab moves on to design, which defines the essential lines of the structure of the software solution dedicated to the client. Finally, the testing is carried out, which consists in the verification and validation of what has been implemented for the next step – the launch.